Hello Pop-Up Clinic Healers and Care Seekers,
This e-mail will serve as a newsletter to wrap up the 2017 Pop-Up Clinic Year and to share my deep gratitude for your friendship and participation. I also have four big requests for you, so if you want the quick version, just skip down to my “asks” at the very end! Here is the long version:
The Pop-Up Clinic Movement began as a seed of an idea, and has grown beyond what I could have possibly imagined. Thank you for the part you played. The momentum that began in my head and heart in the spring continued in Ajijic Mexico, where we had clinics in July, August, September and October, and then in Missouri, where we had 3 events: 2 Pop-Up Clinics and 1 Alternative Healing Fair. The Pop-Up Community in Mexico kept the flame burning while I was in Missouri by having a clinic in October, and continues to strengthen the lakeside healing network by benefitting from the connections and enjoying the friendships that were established through our movement.
Each fabulous clinic in Missouri had a flavor of its own. The first one in Centralia was very connected to nature with some of our practitioners taking advantage of out-of-doors spaces to do their therapies. What came out of this clinic was nothing short of magic. People met each other who had been destined to meet for years. They have since collaborated through other healing endeavors and have struck up friendships and begun talking about other possible cooperative connections.
The Marshall event was intimate but powerful. Since there were only four care seekers and four organizers and healers/providers, the clinic divided itself into stages in which individual “readings” were offered during the first stage, followed by three groups: Guided Sentient Movement, Vipassina Meditaion and Basic Nonviolent Communication. Again, pure magic.
The last Columbia event was hosted and facilitated by Judi Fullerton and Paula Curry at Parkade Center. The ample space and organizational efforts of our hosts allowed us to offer individual sessions, casual consults and lectures. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of something that wants to keep growing and evolving. Our community is so rich in healers and truly gifted therapists.
I couldn’t be more pleased. I see signs of growth, abundance and prosperity everywhere I look. I am resting and regrouping in December. In January I will be back in Missouri and in the following months I’ll be scoping out the possibility of bringing the Pop-Up idea to some completely new places. I have learned so much in this process. My takeaway this year is that we all benefit when we are willing to care for ourselves and when we allow ourselves to connect with and take advantage of the gifts of our fellow healers.
I will be in Mexico for the rest of December, but in Columbia and Jefferson County MO in January 2018. Pop-Up Care Providers, I’d love to hear from any of you to better know how you are doing or to arrange a trade of services or have lunch, dessert or a yummy beverage somewhere. As we move into the winter season I encourage you to continue the seed idea that began with the very first clinic: In order to balance giving and receiving we really do have to be willing to receive. Reach out to a healer whose work you admire or yearn for. Gift yourself with a session or a series of sessions to fill your well. As you heal and grow, the quality of what you have to offer will unavoidably improve, and your world will be transformed in yet unimagined ways. Reach for what you want more of.
On my Christmas wish list are more connections! Do you have healer friends or family or know of amazing, gifted healers in any of the following places? If so, could you tell me a little about them and put us in touch?
- Portland
- Seattle
- Tucson
- Chicago
- Guadalajara
- Other
Enjoy your winter holidays. Let me know if you’d like to get together in January or just message me so we can stay in touch that way. I appreciate you so much and am so proud of the network we are building.
My Christmas Requests:
ASK #1 Keep talking about Pop-Up Clinics and keep a list of people you will inform next time we schedule a clinic, whether you plan to attend or not.
ASK #2 Let me know if you have healer friends who are interested in building networks in their communities, and put me in touch with them.
ASK #3 Pass my name along if you come into contact with people who might benefit from my work or products.
ASK #4 (Pop-Up Healers and Prospective Healers) If you want me to give you a copy of our master Pop-Up Plan or any of our contact lists, please let me know.
Enjoy your winter holidays.
Let me know if you’d like to get together
or just message me so we can stay in touch.
I appreciate you so much and am so proud of the network we are building.