Toni Rahman, Childhood Trauma Specialist
Toni Rahman is a therapist specializing in childhood trauma. A licensed clinical social worker, her training is both in social work and biopsychology. Toni’s tools, experience and temperament are strong assets as she helps clients reconnect with and understand emotional messages from their bodies – an issue for many survivors of childhood abuse and neglect. Her work empowers others to honor themselves and achieve their unique paths.
Toni is also a skilled mentor, teacher, facilitator and channeler of healing energy. She is passionate about helping others to make profound shifts in their life experience.
Toni has crafted an online course – Self Abuse & the Inner Drama Triangle – aimed at survivors of childhood trauma, helping them to learn to become the parents they wanted and needed as infants and children. She is also the author of a workbook, Self Abuse & The Inner Drama Triangle: Transforming the IDT and Learning to Parent Yourself Well, and three books, Being In My Body (now available in Spanish), Boundaries 101, and Tahole: The Politics of Love. Learn more here.
About Toni Rahman
Toni received her BS in biopsychology from Southeast Missouri State University and her MSW from the University of Missouri School of Social Work. She is trained in a wide range of therapies – EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), CranioSacral Therapy & SomatoEmotional Release, Chinese Five Element Theory, Dream Interpretation, Quantum Touch, and Energy Balancing. She is a Certified, EMDRIA Approved Consultant.
Toni has lived and raised children overseas, which has broadened her perspective and healing approach. Her passions include Eastern and indigenous healing practices, psychology as it interfaces with spirituality, as well as gender, social and economic justice issues.