The Art of Effortless Living

I’m reading a fabulous book that was required reading for a recent 4-day SomatoEmotional Release class I attended in St. Louis in August. Below are a few excerpts from:

Stop Trying. Start Living.  The Art of Effortless Living.  Do Less, Let Go, and Discover Health, Emotional Well-Being, and Happiness, by Ingrid Bacci, Ph.D., 2000.Berkley Publishing Group, New York, NY.

This couldn’t be more timely for me.  If you’d like to read the toni-style cliff notes, click on the link above.  I’m pasting in a few of my notes below.

Also, while I’m thinking about it, Boundaries 101 class is going to be offered at the Columbia Area Career Center for the third time beginning November 12.  Monday nights for 5 weeks.  6:00-8:00 pm.  Check it out!

pg 233:  When we stop allowing our fears to control us and focus instead on developing inner balance and vision, then we become capable of deeper partnership.

pg 234:  …healthy relationships depend on understanding that relationships are not in our lives to support our needs or foster our dependency.  Instead, relationships teach us, often through difficulties, how to transcend our own limitations and to share with others from a place of mutual empowerment.

pg 239:  You are not meant to ask someone else to give you what you need.  That is so much less rewarding than discovering that you can give yourself what you need.  You are not meant to accept the low standards that rule our world.  You have the capacity to transform those standards and to inspire others to follow in your footsteps.

Today I Walk

Thoughts in July

On the last leg of my walk this morning, my upper realms connected with my lower ones and I came to a glorious epiphany.  Let me explain.  In my spine lies a story that repeats itself at countless levels, the most visible and obvious of which is my living situation.

I realized today that my downstairs represents the places in my mind I don’t want to go.  The dark unconscious places that cause discomfort and pain.  Things like fear of being alone; fear of not being able to make it on my own; fear of not being enough; not having enough; not fitting in; not being able to connect, or have a whole, full, conscious, happy life if I don’t make particular sacrifices or tend particular safety nets.  Today, on my walk I let myself venture into those dark places.  What, I asked myself, does my grumpy roommate  represent to me?  She  spends her time in the lower realms.  She represents negativity, emotional immaturity, an unconscious need to protect one’s self from the unpleasant, the unsafe, the uncomfortable.  But this was the path of blaming, and projection, and I knew it was more complicated than that.

Her grumpiness had been on my mind of late.  But this morning I realized that what was at issue with me were my fears, not hers.  What I realized this morning is that my basement had begun to represent my fears to me, and that’s why I didn’t want to go down there.  Didn’t want to feel the ways I felt when I visited there.  Perhaps, because I am an empath, picking up on my roommate’s fears (that tend to resemble mine) was making the situation even worse.

A growing conscious aversion to the lower realms is what had guided me to discreetly move my bedroom upstairs in the past month.  This along with other conscious shifts in my behavior based on my relationship with my body, my higher power, my guides, my inner knowing have resulted in a subtle but noticeable improvement in my connectedness with myself.

This morning’s walk allowed me, for the first time, to go certain places in my mind to entertain the most frightening of thoughts, to explore how true they were, and to notice my feelings about them.  What if the natural consequence of my behavior is that my roommate can’t tolerate living with me if I don’t share the lower spaces of the house with her, or for some other reason she decides not to be a partner in the household?  What then?  Would it be a crisis?  For either of us?  Going through all the places in my mind: separation, splitting assets, furniture, all that we have built in the past three years, buying her out, determining real equity, etc.  What would it be like – a future without the stability she has represented for me?  In a way she has served as an emotional anchor.  Without that anchor, who and where would I be?  A rudderless ship afloat at sea?  I think about my traveling sister, Tracy, living out her dream but seeming at times so alone.

And somehow my thoughts, on the last third of my walk, came back around to what I know.  Being tethered to a particular person in a particular place is not the grounding I seek.  What grounds and centers is intimacy with the self.  And that, for me, today, is knowing at my core that regardless of the players at the physical level, there is enough, and I am enough, I have enough.  Connection, creative opportunity, guidance, love, purpose, affection, worth, credibility, strength, etc.  Whether I have the responsibilities of caring for small children or not, whether I have an incredible client base or not, whether I have a wonderful home or not, whether I have a partner or friends or savings or not, I am okay.  When I am connected to myself, I am not alone.  Those I know, those I have yet to know, and those I will never know; we are all connected.

Without a doubt, feeling some efficacy around money, probably for the first time, has helped me achieve this place.  Not having to worry about whether I’m going to bring in enough money to make the mortgage payment or meet the next financial obligation that comes with being a parent can consume so much psychic energy that it’s almost a luxury to tune in to the deeper inner realms.  Reaching this stage in my life has been a long time coming, but now that I’m here I can breathe a little more freely.  I can afford to entertain ideas one has a harder time entertaining when the biggest numbers are red.

So the great epiphany.  Maybe two-thirds of the way around my circuit, maybe a little more, I straightened a little taller, allowing my head to be suspended by the light nimble energy from the heavens.  I pushed my shoulders down, brought my jaw back and sent my shoulder blades down my back once more, and I felt it, if just for a moment, the connection with my core, my upper leg muscles, my psoas, my abdominal wall.  This was the feeling I had been wanting to avoid — and still do, if you want the honest truth — as these core muscles are so weak as if they are only now waking up from a very long slumber.  I’m not sure of the extent of the power that lives here; it’s so far been easier to let it sleep.  But now, as I watch my father (who is wrestling with the question of life and death) playing with the idea of waking up, and as the Universe pushes me to wake up, connecting upper with lower, I realize I’ve been slumping and restricting my movement and avoiding life experiences because I have been afraid.

Bringing consciousness to these dark fearful places, using the guidance I have learned to trust, feeling the resulting feelings, and building intimacy with myself is a sustainable path.  And it is a path of joy and deep fulfillment.  And to this path I say a heartfelt yes.  For you I am so grateful.

Breaking Free from the Control Trap

Today is Monday.  I’m sitting at my desk with the gift of an hour at my disposal. I’m looking out on a sunny, green day with a cup of homemade almond milk.  I pick up Melody Beattie’s book, The New Codependency and begin to read.  I’m reading from a section called Breaking Free from the Control Trap and Getting Some Grace.  I’ve underlined “Harmonizing demands setting aside ego and our need to win or be right.  It doesn’t mean we’re weak, passive, or being doormats.  The more powerful we are, the more we can use diplomacy to harmonize, negotiate, and live in peace.  We’ll have enough esteem to be able to compromise and meet most people halfway.”  Here are the steps to facilitating an argument:

1)  Immediately (or as soon as possible) let go of resistance to the problem.  Accept that it exists.

2) Release emotions first, before talking to the other person.  We’re more effective if we’re calm and clear.  When we communicate from an emotional base, our emotions are controlling us.

3) Set aside ego.  Do you want to win or do you want peace?

4) Consciously see the other person’s POV.  How would we feel if we were him or her?

5) As much as possible, acknowledge the validity of the other person’s POV.  If you were going through what that person is going through, or came from where he or she did, maybe you’d feel and see things that way, too.

6) Propose creative solutions so all people get what they want.  Is there a solution available that allows both people to win?

Does it seem to you that we could all learn a little something from Melody Beattie?

Boundaries 101: Learning to Recognize, Honor & Communicate Your Personal Limits

The Study Guide to the course is now available at!  It will also be included when you purchase the specially priced Getting Real Bundle for the upcoming Boundaries 101 course I am now offering online.

Studies in Boundaries

The issue of boundaries pervades our lives in ways that are so subtle, yet so profound, that once they are mastered, simply everything changes. Join this group for practical information, insight, and training on this fascinating subject. Learn how emotions and boundaries work together. Build and strengthen your personal boundaries and learn when others are pushing and violating yours. I am interested in forming an online group that meets for 5-6 consecutive weeks. Timing will depend on preference of participants.* Half price for current and past clients and graduates of Boundaries 101.

  • Newcomer Price: $24
  • Getting Real Bundle: $98 (includes the following)
    • 5-6-Week Class
    • Copy of Study Guide
    • 90-minute Skype Session

*We will need 8-12 committed participants in order to make this a viable group.

Boundaries 101: Learning to Recognize, Honor & Communicate Your Personal Limits

For more information, call me at (573) 999-6011 or e-mail me at:               e-mail address

Today I Know

When I notice rage or hate, I can understand that I’m carrying beliefs from the past that tell me that my discomfort should be attended to by others, and that my survival, in fact, depends on it.
Today, I know that my discomfort is my business. In the light of this knowledge, I bring consciousness to this part of me. I can choose to ask for your attention or your help in a way that is respectful and kind. I can tolerate your no, knowing that I can get my needs met in more ways than one. I know that I do not depend on you to meet all my needs.
I now understand that my emotions belong to me alone. I can use them to inform me. I am learning to tolerate them as they move through me. This understanding makes it more possible for me to allow you to own your emotions (and allow them to be your business – not mine) as well.

When I see myself rushing from one task to another, without resting or attending to my basic needs, I can understand that I’m carrying the beliefs of others who taught me that my worth is conditional.

I now choose to bring consciousness to this idea of my worth being conditional. Here is how the programming seems to go (as modeled by the people around me when I was growing up). Sometimes the emphasis is based upon how hard I work. (I am worthy when I work.) Sometimes it’s on how much I accomplish. (I am worthy when I get lots of stuff accomplished.) Other times, it’s on how pleasant (translation: agreeable) and/or how strong I am. (I am worthy when I don’t rock the boat or make demands.)
This mistaken belief goes something like this:
• If I don’t have enough it’s probably because I’m unworthy.
• If there is the appearance of lack, or imperfection, it’s probably my fault.
• If there is an appearance of lack or imperfection, I have no business resting or playing.
• The more I work the more worthy I am.
• I am beyond reproach if I am always working my hardest.
• I am exempt from the scrutiny of others when I work and remain continually productive.
• I can avoid feelings of vulnerability if I can provide for all my own needs and if I require nothing from others.
• Asking others to help me meet my needs is humiliating and unacceptable.
• It is shameful and humiliating to have unmet needs.

Today I know that my worth is unconditional. I am worthy whether I am working, playing, resting, or just being. I am learning that it is normal to have needs and that it is good and right for me to attend to them. I am learning that my needs are real and important, and that I will not self destruct if they are not immediately met. As with any skill, it will take time for me to learn to attend to my needs with grace and dignity.
I can allow myself the time that I need to learn.

Trauma as Initiation

You may be wondering what Karla McLaren is talking about when she refers to the three stages of initiation.  What she is referring to are three stages that naturally occur in the human psyche.  Incidentally, they are also represented in the rituals of many indigenous people.  Stage one is where an initiate is sent out on a sort of quest.  He or she is young and lacks experience about the world.  Here is where he or she is going out without the support of the tribe – maybe for the first time.  In the case of an initiation ceremony, there may be a task of some sort that the young one is to complete before he or she is allowed to return.


Stage two is where something happens, that has not been experienced before – it is intense in nature, whether the intensity is experienced through physical, emotional, or psychic pain, the initiate is not sure whether he or she will survive.


Stage three is where the initiate returns to the tribe and the tribe receives him or her, and there are members who listen while the initiate tells the story, offering comfort, tending to any wounds, validating the emotions and the experience.  Stage three is where the initiate re-emerges into the tribe as a transformed person.  In a sense he or she is broken open, and potential can now come forth in the form of a mature perspective, inherent gifts, and wisdom.


With trauma, stage three does not happen because for one reason or another, the “tribe” does not function as a safe place to share the stories of the life changing event.  There is no one to offer validation that is safe or affirming.  When this happens, the initiate cycles through stages one and two again.  The natural push is to have another chance to experience the life changing effects of stage three, which is so essential to growth and personal evolution, which is the normal and natural tendency of all human beings.

The Guest House

I have posted gleanings from Karla McLaren’s Language of Emotions here.

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

Some momentary awareness comes

As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows

who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture,

Still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out for some new delight.

The dark thoughts, the shame, the malice,

Meet them at the door laughing,

And invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,

Because each has been sent

As a guide from beyond.

                                                                                                       – Rumi

More On Forgivenss

The following is taken from: McLaren, K. (2010). The Language of emotions: What your feelings are trying to tell you. Boulder, CO: Sounds True.

Pg 118:  In practice, anger and forgiveness actually work together (and often at the same time) in any real healing process.

You can’t move to forgiveness until your emotions move you consciously through stages one and two, because your emotions are the only thing in your psyche that can move energies, memories, and imbalances into your awareness.

If your pain is tucked very deeply into your unconscious (as traumas usually are), only strong and urgent emotions will be able to dislodge it.  Therefore, the movement to the true forgiveness available in stage three often requires not just anger, but rage and fury; not just fear, but terror and panic; not just sadness, but despair and suicidal urges.  Real forgiveness is not a dainty or delicate process—it’s a visceral and deeply emotive awakening from a trancelike state.  It is, in essence, a return from the dead.  Real, foundational forgiveness is a messy, loud, thrashing process of coming back from death into life.  It looks on an empathic level like those animals I helped heal as a child.  There’s shaking, kicking, grunting, trembling, and spitting—and then it’s done.

Real forgiveness isn’t a polite and teary gesture, made with a bowed head and demurely folded hands.  Real forgiveness would never, ever say, “I see that you were doing the best you knew how, and I forgive you.”  No! Real forgiveness has an entirely different take on the subject.  Real forgiveness does not make excuses for other people’s improper behavior.  Real forgiveness does not tell itself that everyone always does the best they know how, because that’s preposterous.  Do you always do your best?  Do I?  Of course not!  We all make mistakes, and we all do things we’re not proud of.  Real forgiveness knows this; it doesn’t set itself up as an advocate for the tormentors in your life.  It doesn’t make excuses for the disruptive behavior of others—because that sort of nonsense only increases your cycling between stages one and two.  Real forgiveness says, “I see that you were doing what worked for you at the time, but it never, ever worked for me!”

When your anger-supported boundaries are restored again, forgiveness will be as easy as falling off a log.  Forgiveness naturally follows the honorable restoration of your sense of self.  Anger and forgiveness are not opposing forces; they are completely equal partners in the true healing of your soul.

When we rush to forgiveness, we lose our connection to our original wounds.

First, we might forgive after a bout of properly channeled fury, and we’ll get our boundaries back—our authentic and honored anger will help us rediscover our strength and separateness.



Adapted from Carol Rogne: We think of emotional and mental abuse as being overt and recognizable, but it is often subtle, manipulative, and difficult to describe.  In any case, emotional and mental control within relationships adversely affects people that we claim to love, sabotages healthy communication and problem solving processes, and slowly destroys emotional bonding and intimacy.  Very often, neither the controller nor the person controlled realizes that power used to control others is corroding the relationship.

The following material taken directly from Who’s Controlling you? Who Are You Controlling?
Taking a one-up position is sometimes called capping.  Being critical, taking over conversations, or ordering, directing, and commanding are ways of taking a one-up position.  Sometimes one-up comments are about trivial things, for example, “You eat weird.”  But more often, controllers establish a one-up, superior position by more serious personal attacks such as, “You can’t think your way out of a paper bag!”  or, “You wouldn’t last a day without me!”  or, “It’s always better to do it myself because you always mess things up!” In contrast, a controller might be taking a one-down position, especially when a one-up position is not successful at getting compliance.  This is posturing as being helpless or victimized and using guilt or other one-down strategies to control another person.  An example of a one-down statement is, “You have time for everyone else, but not for me.”  The unspoken message is that the person being manipulated is unkind and inconsiderate.  Or, “I can’t possibly pay you because I have so many other bills.”  The unspoken message is that the person is insensitive because they expect to be paid by someone who is financially overburdened.  By taking a one-down position, the other person will often agree or comply because they feel obligated or guilty.  When this happens, the controller claims more power in the relationship, playing on the guilt and “good intentions” of the person being controlled.

The competitive paradigm [that is commonly found in work environments] has certain requirements:

1)     We must be the best, the person who has the most knowledge, the right answers, and is skilled in problem-solving.

2)     We must listen for the most important points to assess the problem and fix it.  Paychecks depend on this skill.

3)     Expressing feelings is a sign of weakness and unwelcome in the work setting.  Self-control is important.

4)     Admitting mistakes and ignorance shows weakness.

Opposite skills are required in personal relationships where affiliation and cooperation are necessary.

1)     Listening to conversations respectfully, providing solutions only when invited to do so.

2)     Functioning as a team with a partner who is viewed and treated as having equal power.

3)     Sharing personal thoughts and feelings.  Realizing that one does not have to be always right.

4)     Solving problems together.

5)     Admitting mistakes and making amends.

6)     Affirming others.

This is Toni’s:  Controlling behaviors are designed to get compliance.  Compliance in what is the less obvious, but more fascinating question at hand.  What does the controller really want?

Compliance is what a baby legitimately needs, when he or she is completely dependent on an adult caretaker.  Little by little, the infant (the baby, and the child), gains the ability to take care of his or herself.  But at the beginning, attunement and compliance to the baby’s needs are nothing short of crucial to survival.  At its very core, the compliance that the controller seeks is the attunement (and the immediate satisfaction of needs) that was missing in the infant-caretaker relationship.  Any person will attempt to control another to the degree that there were serious un-repaired breaches in attunement during childhood.  As adults, we continue to have trouble bonding with anyone for long because we haven’t figured out how to get the controlling behaviors under control.  And they are a serious threat to real and lasting intimacy.

What needs to happen with an adult that recognizes controlling behaviors, is healthy individuation.  This is the important stage in a normal child’s development that can only come after healthy bonding.  As adults, we need to get the individuation piece in place before we can achieve significant and lasting bonds with others.  I cannot stress this piece strongly enough.


  • You and I don’t think the same
  • You and I aren’t the same person
  • You and I have two separate brains
  • And that’s okay.

The character flaw I have recently discovered in myself was having Unrealistic Expectations.  This is a natural symptom of developmental trauma.  As an adult, it leads me to be disappointed when things “go wrong in the relationship” when I find “I can’t trust you,” when I learn that “you don’t have my back” like I thought you did, and I have the arduous task of advocating for myself.  Crap.  The good news is that I have just realized it.  The bad news is that prior to realizing it, I was resentful and didn’t understand why.

When I become aware, I realize that you are not my mother (or my higher power); you are not that adequately attentive, unconditionally loving, abundantly available, selfless being that I require to satisfy my needs; who assures me that I am safe through her words and her actions.  You are not that being I can rely on for virtually everything because all I can really do is be charming, cuddle, exude personality, cry, excrete, and vomit.

You are neither my mother, nor my higher power.  This is not the function of any adult relationship.  So in the aftermath of that initial cyclone of “in-love” feelings that brings two people together (where this kind of merging love reminds us of the potential of a life-sustaining, unconditionally loving moment with Mother), there is a body of work that needs to be done.  The honeymoon is over.  Don’t despair.  There are always things that can be done.  It is our job:

1) to figure out what can be learned

2) to re-establish connection with the Self and the needs that were compromised when the object of love became decreasingly focused on us and decreasingly tuned in to our needs.

3) to bring a self to the relationship that is well cared for, healthy, and whole.

4) to reconnect in authentic ways with our partner so that a conscious, adult relationship occurs

5) to build a new kind of relationship from the conscious, adult self

We Don’t Think The Same (and it’s okay)

We don’t have the same perception of what’s going on.  I can’t expect you to know what I need, like, or don’t like.  It’s my responsibility to communicate this.  First to myself, then, when necessary, to you.  It is likely that we each have a different set of assumptions about the relationship and the roles we are playing.  In a safe place, these assumptions need to be examined, so that 1) we understand the assumptions that we and our partners carry, 2) we can adjust assumptions of our own if they don’t fit with our true purpose and values, 3) we can recognize and seek to understand the assumptions of our partner, which are different than ours, 4) we can work together to meet somewhere in the middle.  Sometimes this last step (#4) is not even necessary, once we’ve worked through points #1-#3.

Oh Yeah, And Then There’s That Part I don’t like to look at…Resentment.

Resentment is what happens when I have Unrealistic Expectations and I don’t do anything about it.  I fail to shift my thinking from that of an infant to that of an adult.  It’s going to happen when I don’t spend the time and energy necessary to bring conscious awareness to my likes and dislikes, wants, needs, and limits; and take the steps I need to take to honor them.

Today I’m taking stock of my resentments:

1)     List resentments here (no matter how petty or problematic they may seem to you).

After I’ve identified these areas of dissatisfaction, I realize that they don’t just represent anger and resentment, but also sadness, loss, and some level of acceptance.  My sadness comes from a number of places, but a lot of it comes from the realization that I have slowly lowered my expectations on my partner regarding wanting an emotional connection.  I’m not sure in this moment what is realistic to expect in relationship, but I do know that I choose authenticity over repressing, denial, and trying to squeeze myself into some kind of traditional role.  I commit myself to authenticity, and consciousness, one day at a time, knowing that I am worthy of unconditional love, peace, and connection.

Adapted from Carol Rogne: I still catch myself engaging in controlling behaviors, though I do my best to correct them when I become conscious of them.  I am perfectly willing to acknowledge that I am not completely conscious about all my controlling tendencies.  What I am learning is that it is okay to not be perfect, and that if two people are willing, they can safely and lovingly help each other become aware of their controlling behaviors.  There are several things that make controlling behaviors so hard to recognize, so you need to be gentle with yourself and the ones you love when dealing with this issue.  First, controlling behaviors are so prevalent in our society, that they are often viewed as normal.  Also, quite often, recipients of control blame themselves for the problems in their relationships.  Next, there is the sense of loss and disappointment involved in admitting that we are, once again, in a troubled relationship.  We are engaging in less-than-satisfactory ways with someone who we thought was right for us.  It is difficult to emerge from the denial and admit that our primary partner is “harming us.”  Besides, this is not the way he/she acted when we were courting.  During courtship we did not experience being controlled.  We should not blame ourselves for this phenomenon.  It is common for controlling behaviors to escalate as the relationship progresses.

Things that you might want to keep in mind while beginning to take steps to correct your situation would be to understand that it is difficult to think clearly when being badgered with control tactics.  Energies are spent emotionally dodging arrows rather than stepping back, assessing the situation, and developing proactive strategies for coping or dealing with the control.

And in this muddled state of frustration and loss, we may not share our experiences of being controlled with other people because we don’t want to be responsible for “gossiping or complaining.”  This ultimately results in isolation, not just for the person being controlled, but for the couple as well.

Who’s Controlling You?

As you can probably tell, I’ve been interested in the topic of power and control in relationships.  I just finished Carol Rogne’s book, Who’s Controlling You? Who Are You Controlling?  I’ve typed up 22 pages of gleanings you can find here.

I am personally using Carol’s ideas as a springboard to examine the dynamics in my own relationships.  She’s very thorough, and whether you’re on the controlling end or the being controlled end, you are sure to find something interesting here.

Here are a couple things of hers that you might like:

Pg 274:  I learn that [in relationship] surrender and being humble is more important than being strong.

Pg 275:  the competitive paradigm [often found in the world of work] has certain requirements:

1)      We must be the best, the person who has the most knowledge, the right answers, and is skilled in problem-solving.

2)      We must listen for the most important points to assess the problem and fix it.  Paychecks depend on this skill.

3)      Expressing feelings is a sign of weakness and unwelcome in the work setting.  Self-control is important.

4)      Admitting mistakes and ignorance shows weakness.

Opposite skills are required in personal relationships where affiliation and cooperation are necessary.

1)      Listening to conversations respectfully, providing solutions only when invited to do so.

2)      Functioning as a team with a partner who is viewed and treated as having equal power.

3)      Sharing personal thoughts and feelings.  Realizing that one does not have to be always right.

4)      Solving problems together.

5)      Admitting mistakes and making amends.

6)      Affirming others.

Pg 287:  The basics of being assertive:

  • Communicate in a neutral, middle power position rather than a superior, one-up, aggressive position, or an inferior, one down, passive position.
  • Start sentences with “I” rather than “You,” to avoid blaming statements.
  • Be honest, respectful and kind.
  • Speak in normal voice tones.
  • Listen as well as speak.
  • Being assertive also means affirming others.  Thank your partner for listening and for her/his time.

Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship:

  • The power structure is reasonably equal.  We can feel when our relationship is out of balance.  A good relationship is often 60-60, because partners enjoy going the extra mile for the other.
  • There are minimal controlling or enabling behaviors.
  • There is emotional intimacy, which is not smothering, caretaking, or merging with another.
  • There is mutual sharing and concern for the other.
  • Each person’s true identity is respected and treasured.
  • Communication involves speaking clearly as well as listening intently.
  • There are equal benefits for both partners.
  • Trust, support, and affirmations are provided to the other partner.
  • Partners are available to each other when experiencing individual difficulties.
  • Partners work together as a team, take time for each other, and have fun together.
  • Personal boundaries are respected.
  • Participants share on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level.
  • There is an understanding that we cannot expect more than we are willing to give in relationships.
  • There is mutual appreciation.