The Study Guide to the course is now available at! It will also be included when you purchase the specially priced Getting Real Bundle for the upcoming Boundaries 101 course I am now offering online.
Studies in Boundaries
The issue of boundaries pervades our lives in ways that are so subtle, yet so profound, that once they are mastered, simply everything changes. Join this group for practical information, insight, and training on this fascinating subject. Learn how emotions and boundaries work together. Build and strengthen your personal boundaries and learn when others are pushing and violating yours. I am interested in forming an online group that meets for 5-6 consecutive weeks. Timing will depend on preference of participants.* Half price for current and past clients and graduates of Boundaries 101.
- Newcomer Price: $24
- Getting Real Bundle: $98 (includes the following)
- 5-6-Week Class
- Copy of Study Guide
- 90-minute Skype Session
*We will need 8-12 committed participants in order to make this a viable group.
For more information, call me at (573) 999-6011 or e-mail me at: