Wow. So many of us are traveling the same path, though not realizing how others are quietly doing their own work that is so very similar to ours, right alongside us.
It was so lovely to see Trina Brunk drawing on her Paneurhythmy roots in her recent post, and this exquisite piece of music with her resonant, moving rendering. I was listening to it this morning, wrapping my mind around the idea that for the past several decades I have been learning how to put words to how it feels to NOT feel/have this.
I listened thinking first of the universal feeling of unbounded, uncontaminated mother love – when it does happen – and then I made the Earth Day connection. (How ironic! Because it was the Earth connection I know – not the infant connection with my biological mother).
Today it strikes me that increasingly, I have seen the importance of feeling what THIS does feel like, even though it is not strongly in my immediate memory. And anger and resentment and fear have been blocks to reaching consistently for it (stemming from old feelings of unworthiness?). Below is an affirmation set I wrote for a friend a week or so ago. It was inspired somewhat by Trina’s Closer Than You Think system of clearing old trauma, but also by Theta Healing, The Work, and EFT:
- I now release any feelings of unworthiness from all lifetimes past, present and future.
- I am willing to release feelings of unworthiness.
- I can allow myself the time I need to remember what it feels like to be completely worthy.
- I allow myself to remember what it feels like to be completely worthy.
- I am completely worthy.
What a glorious musical piece; what a glorious expression of YOU, Trina. To support us all in feeling loved and worthy of this huge unconditional love.