According to an article I just read, a variety of mental disturbances are linked to intestinal toxemia. The article cites a study done back in 1917 that showed that “by treating a patient’s bowel toxicity, there was an alleviation of the following symptoms: mental sluggishness, dullness, stupidity, loss of concentration, memory, and mental coordination, irritability, lack of confidence, excessive worry, exaggerated introspection, hypochondriasis, phobias, depression, melancholy, obsessions, delusions, hallucinations, suicidal tendencies, delirium, stupor, and senility. Furthermore, when intestinal toxemia was treated, physical symptoms such as fatigue, nervousness, gastrointestinal conditions, impaired nutrition, skin manifestations, endocrine disturbances, headaches, sciatica, various other forms of low back pain, allergies, eye, ear, nose, throat, and sinus problems, and even cardiac irregularities were reversed.” Why has this research not been brought into our mainstream dialogue about mental health and nutrition?
Depression and Your Gut

So I read the article you linked to. At the end it talked about reducing alcohol, caffeine, sugar, etc. Is there more that causes intestinal toxicity and where would you find that info and the best nutritional practices> Maureen
Hi Maureen, This has been a personal search for me, and part of my journey has involved a raw diet. I’m watching another person heal from serious intestinal toxicity, caused from heavy metals and a childhood on Adderol. He is using detox regimens, dietary regimens, largely directed by a local practitioner, Diana Stelzer, who I see as well. You can find out more about her at
Good to hear from you!