Golden Cosmos

Golden Cosmos

Tracy took me out to meet a friend of hers – the Golden Tree. This is the fall season, and it is said in these parts that the gold fire-colored flowers are a warning for us to prepare for fire prevention, will be necessary in the season to come. For now, we are enjoying the flowers.

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

Home, meaningful work, family, roots. I leave this place with a deeper sense of all these. I am back at Tracy’s now. Nothing dangerous or uncomfortable happened on the way home. Crazy reminders, all the way home that I am held and loved and cared for.

Through the storm, we had a 4″ foam mattress and all our gear in the back of the second pick-up truck, found Tracy’s car, fully repaired, and were on our way home. Got home well before midnight. Deeply grateful.

So Cool.

So Cool.

Tracy sits next to me and translates. These people think like I do. They are creative, and passionate, and want to connect with the earth. They want deep and meaningful connections with other people. I feel at home, deeply connected with myself and with humankind.

Sausage Shop

Sausage Shop

Here’s the guy who eventually gave us directions to our destination. We had a printout describing the workshop to us, and we had the phone number of the facilitator, but he wasn’t answering his phone, and the taxi was waiting. Feeling grateful, once again.