I thought I’d let you know

I hope you are enjoying the last of this beautiful spring.  When I see you on Facebook, I smile. 

I’m writing to let you know that you have an open invitation to my constellations circles, and we would be honored to have you if you ever wanted to join us in whatever capacity feels right to you.  You may have questions, and I’m more than happy to answer them. Please just let me know, and we can plan tea or something. Bert Hellinger-style constellations work is probably not for everyone, but it has really given me a lot to think about and play with.  

My vision, here in Missouri, is to foster durable relationships with enough healers in the community that we can support a vibrant circle where folks can come and get a new perspective when other modalities (either as a clinician or a seeker of knowledge or as a client) have not been yielding the results they are seeking, or if they just want to see what is possible when stepping into the morphogenic field with the intention of finding more clarity about our purpose here, and with the help of community, to move closer to our goals and dreams.

I’m working on finding a low-cost venue in Columbia.  I already have the ideal spot in Jefferson City, but most of my constellators are in Columbia.  With low overhead, we can welcome people without charging admission.  Folks can make love offerings, but the main purpose is to be and play and explore together, in a safe place.  That is the first level of my current creative project.

The second level is a Course (Movements of the Soul: Studies in Energy, Lineage and Embodiment) I’m putting together for which I want to charge a fee.  But I won’t be able to do the second level without the first, because any great constellations circle has at least 8 people, and people are busy, so it’s not that easy to get people to commit to 3 hours or an entire weekend.  I think that as people learn what this is, more will make room for it on their social/entertainment calendar.  For me, just being a representative has helped me move past social anxiety and feelings of not belonging, and it has given me a lovely supported arena to play with others who are interested in embodiment, knowing themselves better, and being Present in a safe place for whatever shows up. We are also continually amazed and humbled in the context of a Field that is bigger than us, but that responds to our intentions, and our curious hearts.

I know this is a lot, and it’s possible we haven’t talked for some time.  But I think fondly of you, and wanted to let you know what I’m doing, and that your presence would be a gift to our community.  Do let me know how you are, and if you want to know anything else about Constellations and my vision of building a collaborative community in Mid Missouri. Feel free to contact me via Facebook Messenger, text me at 5.7.3. 999*6011 or send me an e-mail at toniarahman(at)hotmail.com.

Thank you, friend.


For more information about constellations

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