Free Book Opportunity

Everyone who participated in the Amazon Free Kindle Book Givaway, Thank YOU!!!

Congratulations to the 6 winners, and all who played!

For anyone who would like access to a copy without purchasing it, the DBRL has agreed to buy a copy.  Ask them to buy another one if it’s checked out!  You might also check for it at the Clover’s store on the east side of town (Columbia MO).

Buy it there and avoid shipping costs!

Thank you for your interest.



If you’d rather have a paper copy you can write in and call your own, you can get one here:

or here


Being In My Body explores developmental trauma, something that happens when we perceive our adult caretakers as unavailable, scared or scary instead of calm, present, and available in our very early years.  The wiring that results from these early interactions determines what we do with emotions and how our bodies respond to other people. 

Thank you!



0 thoughts on “Free Book Opportunity”

  1. Bought it! 🙂


    Will be so cool to pick up at the post office!!! (I have a PO Box)

    Love you Sis!!!!

    On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Traveling Healer wrote:

    > tonirahman posted: “Visit this link to try your luck at winning a free > book. Good luck! ” >

    1. Thank you love! Your support has been so important to me in this process!!!

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